We Explored Forbidden Ancient Site

We Explored Forbidden Ancient Site

Petra: A Magical Ancient Nabian City

Welcome to Petra, a 2,000-year-old ancient Nabian city surrounded by the deserts of Jordan. This civilization flourished but then mysteriously collapsed, and the site was lost to history for centuries.

The Siq: A Dramatic Approach

The Siq is a narrow canyon carved out by flash floods over millions of years. It was the main entrance to Petra, and its natural beauty was used to great artistic effect. The Siq builds anticipation as you walk through it, and it opens up into a wider valley with the famous Treasury at the end.

The Treasury

The Treasury is a tomb carved into the living rock, believed to be the tomb of Aretas IV, the great Builder King. It’s an impressive structure with carved reliefs of gods and goddesses on the outside. Inside, the tomb is relatively small and modest, with the natural beauty of the rock being the main attraction.

Exploring Petra

There’s more to Petra than just the Treasury. The city has many hidden spots, including the Tomb of Urn Tomb, the Theater, and the Great Temple. The Theater is one of the finest in the Roman world, with a capacity for 8,000 people. The Great Temple is a magnificent structure with Roman architectural features and a complex water management system.

The Monastery

The Monastery is a gigantic, magnificent edifice located at the far end of the Petra ancient site. It’s one of the masterpieces of ancient culture, built around 300 years before the Treasury. The climb to the Monastery is worth it, with breathtaking views of the desert valley.

Petra is a magical place with much to explore and discover. With only 15% of the city excavated, there’s still so much to uncover. Join us on this walking tour of Petra and experience the history and beauty of this ancient city.

Term Definition Example Usage
Nabian Relating to the ancient kingdom of Nabataea, which existed from the 6th century BCE to the 4th century CE in the region of modern-day Jordan and parts of Saudi Arabia. The Nabian city of Petra was a major center of trade and commerce in the ancient world.
Flash Floods Sudden and intense floods that occur when a large amount of water is released from a storm or other source, often causing erosion and damage. The Siq in Petra was carved out by millions of years of flash floods.
Reliefs Carvings or sculptures that project from a flat surface, often used to decorate buildings or monuments. The Treasury in Petra features impressive reliefs of gods and goddesses on its exterior.
Living Rock Rock that is still in its natural state, not having been quarried or cut. The Treasury in Petra is carved into the living rock of the mountain.
Water Management System A system used to collect, store, and distribute water, often used in ancient cities to provide water for inhabitants. The Great Temple in Petra features a complex water management system.
Edifice A large and impressive building or structure. The Monastery in Petra is a gigantic, magnificent edifice located at the far end of the ancient site.
Excavated Uncovered or dug up, often used to describe archaeological sites or artifacts. Only 15% of the city of Petra has been excavated, leaving much to be discovered.
Architectural Features Distinctive elements or characteristics of a building or structure, often reflecting the style or period in which it was built. The Great Temple in Petra features Roman architectural features.
Capacity The maximum number of people or things that a building or space can hold. The Theater in Petra has a capacity for 8,000 people.
Masterpieces Works of art or architecture that are considered to be of exceptional quality or beauty. The Monastery in Petra is one of the masterpieces of ancient culture.

Petra Vocabulary Quiz

Test your knowledge of the vocabulary used to describe Petra!

1. What does the word “flourished” mean in the context of the Nabian civilization?

2. What is the meaning of the word “mysteriously” in the context of the collapse of the Nabian civilization?

3. What does the word “reliefs” refer to in the context of the Treasury?

4. What is the meaning of the word “edifice” in the context of the Monastery?

5. What does the word “breathtaking” mean in the context of the views from the Monastery?

Answer Key

1. 2. To grow or increase in power, wealth, or influence
2. 2. In a way that is difficult to understand or explain
3. 1. Carvings or sculptures that project from a flat surface
4. 2. A large or impressive building
5. 2. Extremely beautiful or impressive

Using the Past Perfect and Past Simple Tenses to Describe Completed Actions in the Past

The past perfect and past simple tenses are used to describe completed actions in the past. The past perfect tense is used to describe an action that occurred before another action in the past, while the past simple tense is used to describe a completed action in the past. In the text, we see examples of both tenses used to describe the history of Petra.

Examples from the text:

– The civilization flourished but then mysteriously collapsed, and the site was lost to history for centuries. (Here, “flourished” and “collapsed” are in the past simple tense, while “was lost” is in the past simple tense, describing a completed action in the past.)
– The Siq was the main entrance to Petra, and its natural beauty was used to great artistic effect. (Here, “was” is in the past simple tense, while “was used” is in the past simple tense, describing a completed action in the past.)
– The Treasury is believed to be the tomb of Aretas IV, the great Builder King. (Here, “is believed” is in the present simple tense, while “be” is in the infinitive form, but in the past, it would be “was believed” in the past simple tense.)


1. By the time the site was rediscovered, the civilization _______________________ for centuries.

A) had flourished
B) flourished
C) was flourishing
D) has flourished

2. The Siq _______________________ by flash floods over millions of years.

A) was carved out
B) has been carved out
C) is carved out
D) carved out

3. The Treasury _______________________ to be the tomb of Aretas IV, the great Builder King.

A) is believed
B) was believed
C) has been believed
D) believe

4. The city _______________________ many hidden spots, including the Tomb of Urn Tomb, the Theater, and the Great Temple.

A) has
B) have
C) had
D) having

5. The Monastery _______________________ around 300 years before the Treasury.

A) was built
B) has been built
C) is built
D) built

Answer Key:

1. A) had flourished
2. A) was carved out
3. B) was believed
4. C) had
5. A) was built