What Happened to Boeing?

What Happened to Boeing?

Boeing, once a proud American aviation company, is now facing multiple challenges that have led to a crisis in quality and safety. The latest issue is misdrilled holes in the 737 Max jet, which has raised questions about the company’s management culture and safety standards. With a duopoly in the commercial aircraft market, Boeing’s struggles have a significant impact on air travel, leading to a massive travel nightmare for passengers. The company’s problems began with the 737 Max crashes in 2018 and 2019, which killed 346 people and led to a 20-month grounding of the plane. Since then, Boeing has faced production mishaps, quality control issues, and regulatory scrutiny, resulting in limited production rates and a huge backlog of orders. This has led to a supply-side crunch, which is expected to hit air travel during the peak summer season. Despite the challenges, Boeing’s CEO claims the company is now different and has learned from its mistakes, but the impact on air travel will still be felt.

Vocabulary List (Content Related):

Word Definition Example Usage
Rudderless Lacking direction or control Boeing is in utter crisis right now, it’s a rudderless ship.
Capitalism A economic system in which private individuals and businesses own and operate the means of production It’s a classic case of late-stage capitalism.
Barriers to entry Obstacles that prevent new companies from entering a market The barriers to entry are so great that when new entrants have tried to come in the field, they’ve often disappeared.
Sky high Extremely high or excellent Revenue, profitability, and share price were all sky high.
Overwhelmed To be completely overcome or swept away by something A piece of software overwhelmed the pilot’s ability to control the planes.
Disclose To make known or reveal something Boeing didn’t fully disclose or train pilots on the software and how to override it if necessary.
Culture The set of shared attitudes, values, and practices that define a particular group or organization The focus was really on how do you make money, and it did very well at that. A series of CEOs gradually moved the needle a little farther toward stockholder returns.
Backlash A strong reaction, especially one that is adverse or hostile Responding to this backlash, Boeing’s CEO stepped down and was replaced by Dave Calhoun.
Synchronize To coordinate or harmonize something If we slow it down and stick to the disciplines that will synchronize this supply chain with the insatiable demand for airplanes, and we will be way better for it.
Disciplines Rules or principles that govern a particular activity or profession If we slow it down and stick to the disciplines that will synchronize this supply chain with the insatiable demand for airplanes, and we will be way better for it.

Here are the 5 key-points from the user prompt in an HTML list:

  • Boeing is facing numerous challenges, including the 737 Max jet’s issues with misdrilled holes, questions about its safety and management culture, and a crisis that has been going on for some time.
  • The company’s troubles are having a ripple effect on the aviation industry, leading to supply chain issues, reduced capacity, and potential delays for passengers.
  • Boeing’s CEO, Dave Calhoun, has announced his departure by the end of the year, but the company is still trying to find the right leader to take over.
  • The company is facing significant backlash from the public and investors, with many calling for changes to its culture and practices.
  • Despite its challenges, Boeing is still a significant player in the aviation industry, and its collapse could have far-reaching consequences for the US economy and national security.

Vocabulary Quiz

1. What does the word “rudderless” mean in the context of the passage?
Having a strong leader
Lacking direction or control
Moving quickly
Flying high
Having many problems

2. What is the main reason why Boeing’s 737 Max jet was grounded for 20 months?
A software issue
A hardware issue
A pilot error
A mechanical failure
A design flaw

3. What is the term for the process of buying back shares of stock to reduce the number of outstanding shares?
Stock split
Stock buyback
Dividend payment
Merger and acquisition

4. What is the name of the system that Boeing developed to help guard against potential stall?

5. What is the reason why hundreds of Airbus jets are being pulled out of service?
A software issue
A recall for an engine made by Pratt and Whitney
A mechanical failure
A pilot error
A design flaw

The answer key is below.

The correct answer for question 1 is: Lacking direction or control

The correct answer for question 2 is: A software issue

The correct answer for question 3 is: Stock buyback

The correct answer for question 4 is: MCAS

The correct answer for question 5 is: A recall for an engine made by Pratt and Whitney

Grammar Point: The use of the subjunctive mood in clauses expressing doubt, uncertainty, or possibility.

In English, the subjunctive mood is used to express doubt, uncertainty, or possibility about a situation or event. It is often used in clauses that begin with words such as “it is necessary that,” “it is essential that,” or “it is possible that.” The subjunctive mood is formed using the base form of the verb, rather than the usual verb conjugation.

In the given text, we can see an example of the subjunctive mood in the sentence: “It is hard to imagine that the US government would allow a situation where the country has no supplier of commercial airplanes.”

In this sentence, the verb “allow” is in the subjunctive mood because it expresses doubt or uncertainty about a situation. The sentence is saying that it is difficult to imagine a situation in which the US government would allow the country to have no supplier of commercial airplanes.


Choose the correct form of the verb in parentheses to complete each sentence:

1. It is essential that the company ____________________ (to take) immediate action to address the safety concerns.

A) takes
B) take
C) taking
D) took

2. I doubt that the new policy ____________________ (to be) effective in reducing costs.

A) is
B) be
C) being
D) was

3. It is possible that the flight ____________________ (to be) delayed due to bad weather.

A) is
B) be
C) being
D) was

4. The manager suggested that the team ____________________ (to work) on the project over the weekend.

A) works
B) work
C) working
D) worked

5. The CEO expressed doubt that the company ____________________ (to meet) its sales targets.

A) meets
B) meet
C) meeting
D) met

Answer Key:

1. B) take

2. B) be

3. B) be

4. B) work

5. B) meet