Inside the World’s Most Luxurious Abandoned City (never seen before)

Inside the World’s Most Luxurious Abandoned City (never seen before)

Cyprus: A Divided Island

Cyprus, an island nation in the Mediterranean, was once a popular tourist destination, attracting celebrities and visitors from around the world. However, the country has a complex and tumultuous history, with a long-standing conflict between the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities.

The Conflict

The conflict began in the 1960s, with rising tensions between the two communities, and escalated into violence in 1974, when Turkey invaded the island. The invasion led to the displacement of thousands of people, and the creation of a buffer zone, known as the Green Line, which divides the island to this day.

Varosha: A Ghost Town

One of the most striking examples of the conflict’s impact is the town of Varosha, which was once a thriving tourist destination. The town was abandoned in 1974, and has remained frozen in time, with buildings and streets still intact, but empty and decaying. The town is now a ghost town, and a powerful symbol of the conflict’s devastating effects.

Personal Stories

The conflict has had a profound impact on the people of Cyprus, with many families displaced and separated. The story of one family, who returned to their old home in Varosha after 47 years, is a powerful example of the emotional toll of the conflict. The family’s experience is a reminder of the human cost of the conflict, and the need for a peaceful resolution.

A Path to Peace

Despite the challenges, there are efforts underway to promote peace and reconciliation on the island. A bi-communal organization, the Bi-Communal Network, is working to bring together young people from both sides to build bridges and initiate conversation. The organization’s work is a reminder that even in the face of conflict, there is always hope for a better future.

Term Definition Example Usage
Buffer Zone A designated area that separates two or more groups, often to reduce conflict or tension. The Green Line in Cyprus serves as a buffer zone between the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities.
Bi-Communal Relating to or involving two communities, often with the goal of promoting understanding and cooperation. The Bi-Communal Network in Cyprus brings together young people from both the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities.
Displacement The forced or involuntary removal of people from their homes or communities. The conflict in Cyprus led to the displacement of thousands of people, who were forced to leave their homes and seek refuge elsewhere.
Ghost Town A town or city that has been abandoned and is no longer inhabited. Varosha, a once-thriving tourist destination, is now a ghost town, frozen in time since its abandonment in 1974.
Invaded To enter and take control of a place or territory, often using force or military power. Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974, leading to a long-standing conflict and division of the island.
Reconciliation The process of rebuilding and restoring relationships, often after a period of conflict or tension. Efforts towards reconciliation in Cyprus aim to bring together the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities and promote a lasting peace.
Tumultuous Characterized by turmoil, unrest, or violent conflict. Cyprus has a tumultuous history, marked by decades of conflict and division between the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities.
Divided Separated or split into distinct parts, often with a sense of conflict or opposition. Cyprus is a divided island, with the Green Line separating the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities.
Emotional Toll The psychological or emotional impact of a traumatic event or experience. The conflict in Cyprus has taken a significant emotional toll on the people, with many families displaced and separated.
Peaceful Resolution A solution or outcome that is achieved through non-violent means and promotes a lasting peace. Efforts towards a peaceful resolution in Cyprus aim to bring an end to the conflict and promote a lasting peace between the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities.
Separation The act of dividing or separating people, groups, or things. The conflict in Cyprus has led to the separation of families and communities, with many people forced to live apart from their loved ones.
Communities Groups of people who share common interests, characteristics, or experiences. The Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities in Cyprus have distinct cultures, languages, and traditions.
Conflict A state of opposition or disagreement, often leading to violence or tension. The conflict in Cyprus has been ongoing for decades, with periods of violence and tension between the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities.
Decaying Gradually deteriorating or falling into disrepair. The buildings and streets in Varosha are decaying, a testament to the town’s abandonment and neglect.
Devastating Causing severe damage or destruction, often with a lasting impact. The conflict in Cyprus has had a devastating impact on the people and the island, with many lives lost and communities displaced.
Escalated To increase or intensify in severity, often leading to a more serious or critical situation. The conflict in Cyprus escalated into violence in 1974, leading to a long-standing division of the island.
Frozen Remaining unchanged or static, often due to a lack of action or progress. Varosha has been frozen in time since its abandonment in 1974, with buildings and streets remaining intact but empty and decaying.
Human Cost The emotional, psychological, or physical impact of a traumatic event or experience on individuals or communities. The conflict in Cyprus has had a significant human cost, with many families displaced and separated, and a lasting impact on the people and the island.
Initiate To start or begin something, often with the goal of promoting change or progress. The Bi-Communal Network aims to initiate conversation and build bridges between the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities.
Powerful Symbol Something that represents or embodies a particular idea, value, or concept, often with a strong emotional or psychological impact. Varosha serves as a powerful symbol of the conflict’s devastating effects, a reminder of the human cost and the need for a peaceful resolution.

Cyprus: A Divided Island Vocabulary Quiz

Test your understanding of the vocabulary from the text with this 5-question multiple-choice quiz.

1. What does the word “tumultuous” mean in the context of the text?

2. What is the meaning of the word “buffer” in the phrase “buffer zone”?

3. What does the word “devastating” mean in the context of the text?

4. What is the meaning of the word “bi-communal” in the context of the text?

5. What does the word “reconciliation” mean in the context of the text?

Answer Key:

  1. 2. Complex and chaotic
  2. 2. A zone of separation
  3. 2. Having a significant and negative impact
  4. 2. Involving two or more communities
  5. 1. The process of making peace

The Use of the Past Perfect Tense in Narratives

The past perfect tense is used to describe an action that occurred before another action in the past. It is often used in narratives to show the relationship between two or more events that happened in the past. In the text, the past perfect tense is used to describe the events that led up to the conflict in Cyprus, such as “the conflict had begun” and “the invasion had led to the displacement of thousands of people”. This tense is also used to describe the emotional toll of the conflict on the people of Cyprus, such as “the family had been displaced” and “the conflict had had a profound impact on the people of Cyprus”.

Quiz Time!

Choose the correct answer for each question:

1. By the time the invasion occurred, the conflict ____________________ for several years. A) had been going on | B) was going on | C) goes on | D) went on 2. The town of Varosha ____________________ since 1974, and it remains a ghost town to this day. A) has been abandoned | B) was abandoned | C) had been abandoned | D) is abandoned 3. By the time the family returned to their old home, they ____________________ for 47 years. A) had not seen | B) did not see | C) have not seen | D) had been seeing 4. The Bi-Communal Network ____________________ to promote peace and reconciliation on the island. A) has been working | B) was working | C) had been working | D) worked 5. The conflict ____________________ a profound impact on the people of Cyprus, with many families displaced and separated. A) has had | B) had | C) has | D) was having

Answer Key

1. A) had been going on

2. C) had been abandoned

3. A) had not seen

4. A) has been working

5. A) has had