How Burger King Started | The Story Of Burger King

How Burger King Started | The Story Of Burger King

The Story of Burger King

Burger King’s success story is far from clean-cut. Founded by Keith Kramer and Matthew Burns in Jacksonville, Florida, the chain started small but eventually grew to become one of the favorites in the lineup of burger chains.

The Early Years

  • Kramer and Burns were inspired by the original McDonald’s restaurant in San Bernardino and opened their own joint, Insta Burger King, in 1954.
  • The duo sold their burgers and shakes for 18 cents apiece and slowly expanded their operations across Florida.
  • University friends James W. McLamore and David Edgerton took over the company in 1954 and redesigned the cooking system, creating the signature flame-grilled burger and distinct Burger King taste.

The Rise to Success

  • In 1959, McLamore and Edgerton bought out the entire company and started expanding operations, opening the first franchisee of Burger King.
  • The chain went international in 1963, opening an outlet in Puerto Rico, and was acquired by the Pillsbury Company in 1967 for $18 million.
  • Under Pillsbury, Burger King grew rapidly, and by the 1980s, it was competing head-to-head with McDonald’s to become America’s largest burger chain.

The Burger Wars

  • In the 1980s, Burger King’s operations were taken over by Pillsbury executive Norman Brinker, who started the “Burger Wars” by targeting McDonald’s with ads claiming Burger King’s flame-broiled burgers were the better option.
  • Burger King partnered with companies like Disney and featured characters on their collectible cups and merchandise to attract more customers.

Challenges and Comebacks

  • In the 1980s, Burger King experienced a decline in popularity due to financial losses and frequent changes in management structure.
  • The company expanded its menu aggressively, but unlike before, it wasn’t able to scale the expansion the right way, leading to losses.
  • In 1982, Burger King was acquired by the British conglomerate Grand Metropolitan, which proved to be a game-changer for the company.

Modern Era

  • In 2006, Burger King went public, generating around $425 million in equity.
  • In 2014, the company was acquired by 3G Capital, which merged Burger King with the Canadian coffee chain Tim Hortons.
  • Today, Burger King has over 90% of its franchises privately owned and operates in over 70 countries, with a loyal fan base and a top position in the fast food industry.

Despite going through ups and downs, Burger King has managed to come out on top as one of the most successful international fast food chains of all time.

Here is the vocabulary table:

Term Definition Example Usage
Franchisee A person or organization that owns and operates a business based on a franchise agreement. Burger King’s first franchisee opened in 1959.
Flame-grilled Cooked over an open flame, typically used to describe a cooking method for burgers. Burger King’s signature flame-grilled burger is a key part of their brand identity.
Merchandise Goods or products that are sold in conjunction with a particular brand or product. Burger King partnered with Disney to feature characters on their collectible cups and merchandise.
Decline A decrease or fall in something’s value, quality, or level. Burger King experienced a decline in popularity in the 1980s due to financial losses.
Aggressively In a forceful or energetic manner. Burger King expanded its menu aggressively in the 1980s.
Scale To increase or decrease something in size or amount. Burger King was unable to scale its expansion in the 1980s, leading to losses.
Game-changer A person, event, or decision that has a significant and often surprising impact. The acquisition of Burger King by Grand Metropolitan in 1982 was a game-changer for the company.
Equity The value of a company’s assets minus its liabilities. Burger King went public in 2006, generating around $425 million in equity.
Merge To combine two or more companies into a single entity. Burger King was merged with Tim Hortons in 2014.
Loyal Remaining faithful or devoted to something or someone. Burger King has a loyal fan base around the world.

The Story of Burger King Vocabulary Quiz

The Story of Burger King Vocabulary Quiz

Test your knowledge of vocabulary from the story of Burger King!

Question 1: What does “clean-cut” mean?

Question 2: What is the meaning of “acquired”?

Question 3: What does “flame-grilled” mean?

Question 4: What is the meaning of “conglomerate”?

Question 5: What does “privately owned” mean?

Answer Key

  • Question 1: d) Having a clear and straightforward history
  • Question 2: a) Sold or transferred ownership
  • Question 3: a) Cooked on an open flame
  • Question 4: a) A large company that owns many smaller companies
  • Question 5: b) Owned by a single individual or group

The Use of the Past Perfect Simple

The past perfect simple is used to describe an action that occurred before another action in the past. It is often used to show the cause and effect relationship between two actions. In the text, the past perfect simple is used to describe the events that led to the success of Burger King.


Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence:

1. By 1959, McLamore and Edgerton ____________________ (buy) the entire company and started expanding operations.
a) had bought
b) bought
c) have bought
d) were buying

2. By the 1980s, Burger King ____________________ (grow) rapidly and was competing head-to-head with McDonald’s.
a) had grown
b) grew
c) was growing
d) has grown

3. In 1967, Burger King ____________________ (acquire) by the Pillsbury Company for $18 million.
a) had been acquired
b) was acquired
c) has been acquired
d) acquired

4. By the time Burger King went public in 2006, it ____________________ (generate) around $425 million in equity.
a) had generated
b) generated
c) was generating
d) has generated

5. Today, Burger King ____________________ (operate) in over 70 countries with a loyal fan base.
a) has operated
b) operated
c) had operated
d) operates

Answer Key

1. a) had bought
2. a) had grown
3. a) had been acquired
4. a) had generated
5. d) operates