This Is The (Stoic) Secret To Sanity And Success

This Is The (Stoic) Secret To Sanity And Success

The idea that working long hours and neglecting self-care is a path to success is a myth. This approach can lead to burnout, poor decision-making, and ultimately, destruction. It’s a result of poor discipline, not a sign of strength or dedication. In reality, taking care of oneself, including getting enough sleep, is essential for making good decisions, being productive, and achieving success. Discipline is not about working oneself to the bone, but about making conscious choices to prioritize one’s well-being. By doing so, one can maintain their physical and mental health, think clearly, and make better decisions. It’s a virtue to find balance in life, and taking care of oneself is a crucial part of that.

Vocabulary List (Content Related):

Term Definition Example Usage
Discipline The practice of training oneself to adhere to a code of conduct or a set of principles. “I try to remind myself that working incredibly long hours is not discipline, it’s a result of poor discipline.”
Stoicism A school of thought that emphasizes reason, self-control, and indifference to external events. “Stoicism is rising early, getting after it, and tackling the day with energy.”
Ataraxia A state of freedom from disturbance or worry. “Sleep is also a wonderful place, letting your subconscious wander, letting dreams come in, emptying your mind completely.”
Temporance The virtue of finding a balance between extremes. “All things in moderation, that’s what the virtue of temperance is about.”
Memento Mori A Latin phrase that means “remember that you will die.” “The secret to sanity and success is sleep, and this requires discipline to put down the phone and go to sleep.”
10,000 Hours A concept that suggests that mastering a skill requires dedicating a significant amount of time and effort. “One of the things that that scientist found when he was looking at great violinists is that the best violinists napped more than the amateurs.”
Self-Awareness The ability to have a conscious understanding of one’s own thoughts, feelings, and motivations. “It takes self-awareness to know hey, I’m too tired, I’m not thinking straight here.”
Exhaustion A state of extreme fatigue or tiredness. “I was a director of marketing and American Peril for a long time, and I know what exhaustion looks like.”
Sanity A state of being mentally healthy and balanced. “The secret to sanity and success is sleep, and this requires discipline to put down the phone and go to sleep.”
Burnout A state of emotional, mental, or physical exhaustion caused by prolonged stress, overwork, or lack of balance. “Elon Musk seems to have been slightly more successful at balancing this than Dove has or at least so far.”
Balance A state of equilibrium or stability, often achieved by finding a balance between opposing forces or extremes. “All things in moderation, that’s what the virtue of temperance is about.”
Overwork A state of working excessively or excessively long hours, often to the point of exhaustion or burnout. “Working incredibly long hours is not discipline, it’s a result of poor discipline.”
Stillness A state of quietness, calmness, or peacefulness. “Sleep is also a wonderful place, letting your subconscious wander, letting dreams come in, emptying your mind completely.”

Key Points

  1. Working incredibly long hours and neglecting sleep is not discipline, but rather a result of poor discipline.
  2. Stoicism emphasizes reason, self-control, and indifference to external events, but this requires balance and moderation.
  3. Sleep is essential for sanity and success, and requires discipline to prioritize and manage one’s schedule.
  4. Burnout and exhaustion can result from prolonged stress, overwork, or lack of balance, and can have serious consequences for one’s mental and physical health.
  5. Self-awareness is crucial for recognizing when one is tired or overwhelmed, and making adjustments to prioritize rest and recovery.
  6. Balance and moderation are essential for achieving a state of equilibrium or stability, and for preventing burnout and exhaustion.
  7. The concept of 10,000 hours suggests that mastering a skill requires dedicating a significant amount of time and effort, but this must be balanced with rest and recovery.
  8. Memento Mori, or the awareness of one’s own mortality, can motivate individuals to prioritize their health and well-being.

Vocabulary Mastery Quiz

Question 1:

  • A) Ataraxia refers to the state of being free from disturbances and having stillness.
  • B) Ataraxia is a type of sleep disorder.
  • C) Ataraxia is a philosophical concept that emphasizes the importance of hard work.
  • D) Ataraxia is a type of meditation technique.

Question 2:

  • A) Stoicism is associated with hustle culture and rise-and-grind mentality.
  • B) Stoicism emphasizes the importance of finding balance and moderation in life.
  • C) Stoicism is a philosophy that promotes laziness and procrastination.
  • D) Stoicism is only for people who are naturally disciplined.

Question 3:

  • A) The concept of momento mori refers to the idea of remembering one’s own mortality.
  • B) Momento mori is a type of meditation technique.
  • C) Momento mori is a philosophical concept that emphasizes the importance of hard work.
  • D) Momento mori is a type of sleep disorder.

Question 4:

  • A) The virtue of temperance refers to the ability to control one’s emotions.
  • B) The virtue of temperance refers to the ability to find balance and moderation in life.
  • C) The virtue of temperance refers to the ability to work hard and be productive.
  • D) The virtue of temperance refers to the ability to be stoic in difficult situations.

Question 5:

  • A) The author of the passage believes that sleep is essential for sanity and success.
  • B) The author of the passage believes that sleep is overrated and unnecessary.
  • C) The author of the passage believes that sleep is only important for physical health.
  • D) The author of the passage believes that sleep is a waste of time.

**Answer Key:**

Question 1: The correct answer is A) Ataraxia refers to the state of being free from disturbances and having stillness.

Question 2: The correct answer is B) Stoicism emphasizes the importance of finding balance and moderation in life.

Question 3: The correct answer is A) The concept of momento mori refers to the idea of remembering one’s own mortality.

Question 4: The correct answer is B) The virtue of temperance refers to the ability to find balance and moderation in life.

Question 5: The correct answer is A) The author of the passage believes that sleep is essential for sanity and success.

Grammar Section: Subjunctive mood

The grammar point for this passage is the use of the subjunctive mood in clauses expressing doubt, uncertainty, or possibility.

Example sentences:

  • It’s possible that he has never seen the sunrise or the sunset.
  • I doubt that he was able to do it.
  • It’s unlikely that she will accept the offer.


Question 1:

  • A) If I were you, I would not do that.
  • B) If I was you, I would not do that.
  • C) If I am you, I would not do that.
  • D) If I be you, I would not do that.

Question 2:

  • A) It’s possible that he has never seen the sunrise or the sunset.
  • B) It’s possible that he has never see the sunrise or the sunset.
  • C) It’s possible that he never saw the sunrise or the sunset.
  • D) It’s possible that he never sees the sunrise or the sunset.

Question 3:

  • A) I doubt that he was able to do it.
  • B) I doubt that he is able to do it.
  • C) I doubt that he can do it.
  • D) I doubt that he could do it.

Question 4:

  • A) It’s unlikely that she will accept the offer.
  • B) It’s unlikely that she accepts the offer.
  • C) It’s unlikely that she accepted the offer.
  • D) It’s unlikely that she will accept the offers.

Question 5:

  • A) If it were possible, I would do it.
  • B) If it was possible, I would do it.
  • C) If it is possible, I would do it.
  • D) If it be possible, I would do it.

**Answer Key:**

Q1: The correct answer is A) If I were you, I would not do that.

Q2: The correct answer is A) It’s possible that he has never seen the sunrise or the sunset.

Q3: The correct answer is A) I doubt that he was able to do it.

Q4: The correct answer is A) It’s unlikely that she will accept the offer.

Q5: The correct answer is A) If it were possible, I would do it.