World’s Only GLASS Nuclear Reactor!

World’s Only GLASS Nuclear Reactor!

The video explores the unique feature of a nuclear reactor with a glass vessel, providing an insight into its design, functionality, and the advantages it offers over traditional steel reactors. The presenter highlights the improved safety and efficiency of this innovative reactor, explaining how the use of glass allows for greater visibility and monitoring of the nuclear process, as well as enhanced corrosion resistance.

Vocabulary List (10 Words)

WordDefinitionUsage Sentence
VesselA container, typically for holding liquids or gasesThe glass vessel in the nuclear reactor is a unique design feature.
NuclearRelating to the nucleus of an atom; associated with atomic energyNuclear power offers a clean and efficient energy source.
ReactorA device used to initiate and control a nuclear reactionThe reactor’s glass design improves safety and monitoring.
InnovationA new idea or method; an invention or innovationThe glass nuclear reactor is a remarkable innovation in energy technology.
CorrosionThe gradual destruction of materials by chemical reactionGlass is resistant to corrosion, making it ideal for use in reactors.
NucleusThe central core of an atomThe nuclear reactor harnesses energy from the atom’s nucleus.
AtomThe basic unit of a chemical elementAtoms are the building blocks of all matter.
EnergyThe capacity to do work or cause changeNuclear energy has the potential to power entire cities.
MonitoringThe act of observing and checking on a regular basisThe glass reactor allows for improved monitoring of the nuclear process.
VisibilityThe state of being able to see or be seenThe glass vessel provides unprecedented visibility into the reactor.

Key Points

  • The world’s only glass nuclear reactor offers improved safety and efficiency.
  • The glass vessel provides greater visibility and allows for better monitoring of the nuclear process.
  • Glass has superior corrosion resistance compared to traditional steel reactors.


  1. What is unique about this nuclear reactor?
    A. It is the only reactor of its kind.
    B. It uses a new type of fuel.
    C. It is located underground.
    D. It is made entirely of glass.
  2. What is the main advantage of using a glass vessel in a reactor?
    A. It improves the efficiency of fuel usage.
    B. It allows for better corrosion resistance.
    C. It provides greater visibility for monitoring.
    D. It reduces the cost of reactor construction.
  3. What does the presenter highlight as a key benefit of this reactor design?
    A. Improved safety measures
    B. Higher energy output
    C. Reduced maintenance requirements
    D. Increased fuel capacity
  4. What does the glass reactor offer in terms of corrosion resistance?
    A. Improved resistance compared to steel
    B. A new method of corrosion prevention
    C. A coating that resists corrosion
    D. A sacrificial anode system
  5. How does the glass vessel impact the overall functionality of the reactor?
    A. It improves safety and visibility.
    B. It increases energy output.
    C. It reduces the reactor’s lifespan.
    D. It requires more frequent maintenance.

Answer Key

  1. A
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. A

Grammar Point: Gerunds and Infinitives

A gerund is a noun formed from a verb by adding “-ing” which can function as the subject or object of a sentence. An infinitive is the basic form of a verb preceded by “to” which can function as a noun, adjective, or adverb. Gerunds and infinitives are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct roles and meanings.

I enjoy reading books.I hope to read more books this year.
Swimming is good exercise.I want to swim in the ocean.
Writing well is a skill.I plan to write a novel someday.

Gerunds can be the subject or object of a sentence, and they convey a general or ongoing action. Infinitives, on the other hand, often express a specific or future action and can take adverbial modifiers.


  1. She admitted _*.
    A. to lying
    B. lying
  2. I’m looking forward _* a good movie.
    A. for to watch
    B. to watching
  3. Remember _* the instructions carefully before starting.
    A. to follow
    B. following
  4. They suggested _* the meeting to Friday.
    A. to postpone
    B. postponing
  5. I regret _* so much money.
    A. spending to
    B. spending

Answer Key

  1. B
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. B