How Africans invented air conditioning long before electricity existed.

How Africans invented air conditioning long before electricity existed.

Key Points:

  • Africans developed advanced methods of cooling indoor spaces centuries ago.
  • Ancient African architecture utilized smart design features for natural air conditioning.
  • The design included high ceilings, strategically placed windows, and passive cooling techniques.
  • Natural materials like mud and thatch also played a crucial role in regulating temperatures.
  • These designs provide valuable lessons in sustainable and eco-friendly cooling methods.

Vocabulary List:

InventTo create or design something newAfricans invented a form of air conditioning…
ElectricityA power source generated from electrical energyAir conditioning today relies on electricity
Centuries agoA long time in the past, often referring to a period of 100 years or moreThis technology was developed centuries ago
AdvancedHighly developed or sophisticatedThese cooling methods were advanced for their time…
RegulateTo control or maintain something at a desired levelNatural materials helped regulate the temperature…


  1. What was the main power source for traditional African air conditioning?
    a) Wind power
    b) Solar energy
    c) Electrical generators
    d) Natural gas
  2. The design feature that contributed to passive cooling was:
    a) Thick walls
    b) Glass windows
    c) High ceilings
    d) Thatched roofs
  3. What modern-day issue can ancient African design provide solutions for?
    a) Global warming
    b) Overpopulation
    c) Traffic congestion
    d) All of the above
  4. What material used in ancient African architecture is still utilized in modern eco-friendly buildings?
    a) Concrete
    b) Thatch
    c) Steel
    d) Glass
  5. Which of these was NOT mentioned as a part of the ancient African cooling design?
    a) Smart window placement
    b) Centralized AC units
    c) Natural ventilation
    d) High ceilings

Answer Key:

  1. a) Wind power
  2. c) High ceilings
  3. a) Global warming
  4. b) Thatch
  5. b) Centralized AC units

Grammar Point: Using “Going to” for Predictions


The structure “going to” is used for predictions when we have clear evidence that something will happen in the future. It is often based on present facts or trends. For example, “Africa is going to lead the way in sustainable cooling technologies.” This sentence predicts a future outcome (“lead the way”) based on current trends or observations (“sustainable cooling technologies”).


Complete the following sentences using the “going to” structure:

  1. With the success of their new product, the company ______________ (surpass) all sales records this year.
  2. The way he’s practicing, he ______________ (break) the school’s high jump record soon.
  3. Mark my words, self-driving cars ______________ (revolutionize) transportation in the near future.
  4. If we keep eating like this, I ______________ (gain) weight by the end of the vacation.
  5. All these new startups ______________ (change) the business landscape in the next few years.

Answer Key:

  1. is going to
  2. is going to
  3. are going to
  4. am going to
  5. are going to