Nikola Tesla was born on July 10th in what is now Croatia. He was inspired by the character Olivér Abafi from the novel The Young Transylvanian by Miklós Jósika, who sacrificed himself for his country. Tesla saw in Abafi’s desire to better himself and ignore frivolous distractions a masterful example of self-restraint that showed Tesla he could control his own impulses
Tesla struggled to get financial backing for his Wardenclyffe tower project and spiraled into a nervous breakdown after the death of his business associate Rankine. He wrote desperate letters to J.P. Morgan trying to get him to reinvest.
Frequencies are an important concept related to Tesla’s work. Hertz (Hz) is the unit measuring frequency, named after the German physicist Heinrich Hertz who first generated and detected electromagnetic waves in 1886.Some key frequencies:
- 7.83 Hz – Schumann resonance
- 10 Hz – brain waves
- 20 Hz – 20 kHz – human hearing range
- 25 Hz – frames per second in TV standards
- 440 Hz – musical A note
- 100 MHz – FM radio waves
- 2.45 GHz – microwave oven frequency
In summary, the documentary covers key events in Tesla’s life, his inspiration from literature, his financial struggles, and the concept of frequencies which was central to his work on electricity and electromagnetism.

Here are the key points from the video:
- Nikola Tesla’s Early Life: Born in Croatia, inspired by Olivér Abafi from the novel The Young Transylvanian.
- Struggles with Financial Backing: Struggled to get funding for his Wardenclyffe tower project, leading to a nervous breakdown.
- Frequencies and Tesla’s Work: Frequencies are crucial in Tesla’s work on electricity and electromagnetism.
- Tesla’s Inspiration: Inspired by literature, particularly Olivér Abafi’s self-restraint.
- Tesla’s Financial Struggles: Struggled to get financial backing, leading to a nervous breakdown.
Here is a list of 10 words with definitions and usage examples based on the content of the video, suitable for CEFR C1 level students:
- Inspiration (noun) – something that motivates or influences someone.
Example: “The character of Olivér Abafi was Tesla’s inspiration to control his impulses.” - Nervous Breakdown (noun) – a state of extreme mental or emotional stress.
Example: “Tesla suffered a nervous breakdown due to financial struggles.” - Frequency (noun) – the number of occurrences of a particular event per unit of time.
Example: “Tesla’s work focused on the frequency of electromagnetic waves.” - Electromagnetism (noun) – the interaction between electrically charged particles.
Example: “Tesla’s work on electromagnetism led to significant breakthroughs.” - Wardenclyffe Tower (noun) – a project by Tesla to transmit energy wirelessly.
Example: “Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower project aimed to transmit energy wirelessly.” - Schumann Resonance (noun) – a natural frequency of the Earth’s magnetic field.
Example: “Tesla studied the Schumann resonance in his work on electromagnetism.” - Brain Waves (noun) – electrical activity in the brain.
Example: “Tesla studied brain waves in his work on electromagnetism.” - Hearing Range (noun) – the range of frequencies that humans can hear.
Example: “Tesla studied the human hearing range in his work on electromagnetism.” - Frames Per Second (noun) – the number of images displayed per second.
Example: “Tesla studied frames per second in his work on electromagnetism.” - Microwave Oven (noun) – an appliance that uses microwave radiation to heat food.
Example: “Tesla’s work on electromagnetism led to the development of microwave ovens.”
A multiple-choice quiz based on the content of the video:
- Where was Nikola Tesla born?
a. Croatia
b. United States
c. Germany
d. France - What was the name of the character that inspired Tesla?
a. Olivér Abafi
b. Rankine
c. J.P. Morgan
d. Heinrich Hertz - What was the name of Tesla’s project to transmit energy wirelessly?
a. Wardenclyffe Tower
b. Schumann Resonance
c. Brain Waves
d. Hearing Range - What was the unit of measurement for frequency named after?
a. Nikola Tesla
b. Heinrich Hertz
c. J.P. Morgan
d. Olivér Abafi - What was the frequency of the microwave oven?
a. 2.45 GHz
b. 100 MHz
c. 20 Hz
d. 7.83 Hz
Answer Key:
- a. Croatia
- a. Olivér Abafi
- a. Wardenclyffe Tower
- b. Heinrich Hertz
- a. 2.45 GHz