Why Utah is So Weird

Why Utah is So Weird

This video essay delves into the unique cultural and historical aspects of Utah that set it apart from other states in the US. It explores topics such as the dominance of the Mormon Church, the state’s conservative political leanings, and how these factors have influenced Utah’s demographics, social norms, and even its landscape, contributing to its distinct character.

Vocabulary (defined and used in the context of the video)

WordDefinitionSentence from Video
PeculiarStrange or oddUtah has a peculiar culture due to the influence of the Mormon Church.
DominancePower or influence over othersThe dominance of the Mormon Church in Utah is evident in its impact on the state’s laws and culture.
ConformTo act in accordance with a set standardMany Utah residents conform to the values and beliefs of the Mormon Church.
ConservativeTraditional and reluctant to changeUtah is a conservative state, both politically and socially.
DemographicA group of people sharing characteristicsThe state has a unique demographic makeup due to the high percentage of Mormons.
EnclaveA small isolated groupUtah can be seen as a religious enclave within the US.
LandscapeThe visible features of an areaThe Mormon influence has even shaped Utah’s landscape, with its unique architecture.
NormA standard of behaviorUtah’s social norms differ from the rest of the country.
SecularNot relating to religionThere are efforts to create more secular laws in Utah.
ArchitecturallyIn relation to building designThe Mormon temples are impressive architecturally.

Key Points

  • Utah stands out due to the influence of the Mormon Church, which affects many aspects of life in the state.
  • The state’s conservative political and social leanings are linked to the values of the Mormon population.
  • This has resulted in unique demographics, social norms, and even architectural landscapes.
  • There are, however, movements towards creating more secular laws and diversifying Utah’s culture.


  1. What is the main factor that sets Utah apart from other US states, according to the video?
    A) Its landscape
    B) The influence of the Mormon Church
    C) Its political affiliations
    D) Its history
  2. What is the dominant religion in Utah?
    A) Catholicism
    B) Mormonism
    C) Protestantism
    D) Judaism
  3. What is a key characteristic of Utah described in the video?
    A) It is a very diverse state.
    B) It has a high cost of living.
    C) It is known for its conservative social norms.
    D) It has a mild climate.
  4. Why might someone consider Utah “weird”?
    A) Because of its unique landscape
    B) Due to the influence of a specific religious group
    C) Its political leanings differ from the rest of the country
    D) All of the above
  5. What is a potential challenge for non-Mormons living in Utah?
    A) They might feel pressured to conform to Mormon norms.
    B) They could face legal disadvantages.
    C) They might struggle to find like-minded individuals.
    D) None of the above

Answer Key

  1. B) The influence of the Mormon Church
  2. B) Mormonism
  3. C) It is known for its conservative social norms.
  4. B) Due to the influence of a specific religious group
  5. A) They might feel pressured to conform to Mormon norms.

Grammar Point: Gerunds and Infinitives

A gerund is a verb that ends in “ing” and functions as a noun (e.g., swimming, cooking). An infinitive is the base form of a verb preceded by “to” (e.g., to swim, to cook). Gerunds and infinitives are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct usages and meanings.

Gerunds are often used after certain verbs, such as “enjoy,” “avoid,” and “suggest,” and they emphasize the action itself. For example:

  • I enjoy swimming.
  • Let’s avoid waiting in line.
  • They suggested going to the movie.

Infinitives, on the other hand, emphasize the result or purpose of an action. They are often used after verbs of perception, obligation, or causation, such as “see,” “want,” and “cause.” Examples include:

  • I saw him to swim across the river.
  • I want to cook dinner tonight.
  • The storm caused the lights to go out.


Choose the correct option (gerund or infinitive) to complete each sentence.

  1. I remember _ to Paris when I was a child.
  2. She suggested _ the new restaurant downtown.
  3. They decided _ the project after careful consideration.
  4. We’re looking forward _ that movie this weekend.
  5. Be sure _ all the necessary supplies before you leave.

Answer Key

  1. going – Gerund
  2. trying – Gerund
  3. to begin – Infinitive
  4. to seeing – Infinitive
  5. to bring – Infinitive