China’s $100 Billion Himalayan Mega Dam

China’s 0 Billion Himalayan Mega Dam

The video discusses China’s plan to build a $100 billion mega dam in the Himalayas, which has sparked concerns and protests from environmentalists and local residents. It explores the potential benefits and drawbacks of the project, including its impact on the environment, energy production, and regional geopolitics. The dam is expected to provide a significant boost to China’s energy sector and influence its relationship with downstream countries like India and Bangladesh.

Vocabulary (defined and used in the context of the video)

Mega-projectA large-scale, complex project typically involving significant investment and impacting a wide area or population“China’s $100 billion mega-dam is just one of its many mega-projects across the country.”
DownstreamSituated or flowing in the direction that a river moves towards“The downstream countries, India and Bangladesh, rely on the river for irrigation and drinking water.”
UpstreamThe opposite of downstream; situated or flowing against the direction of a river’s current“China’s control of the upstream regions gives it significant leverage over downstream nations.”
GeopoliticsThe study of the influence of geographical factors on power relationships between countries“The mega-dam has become a geopolitical tool for China to exert influence over its neighbors.”
ProtestA strong objection or dissent, often expressed publicly“Environmentalists and local residents have staged protests against the dam’s construction due to ecological concerns.”
EcologyThe scientific study of the relationships between organisms and their environment“The dam’s impact on the region’s ecology is a major point of contention.”
DiversionThe act of redirecting something from its original course“The dam involves a massive water diversion project, supplying northern regions with water.”
IrrigationThe artificial application of water to land or soil to help grow crops“Downstream regions depend on the river for irrigation and worry about reduced water flow.”
HydropowerElectricity generated from the energy of moving water“The mega-dam is expected to produce an immense amount of hydropower.”
InfrastructureThe basic physical structures needed for the operation of a society or enterprise“China’s investment in infrastructure projects is a key part of its economic strategy.”

Key Points

  • China plans to build a $100 billion mega dam in the Himalayas.
  • The project has sparked concerns over its environmental impact and geopolitical implications.
  • It is expected to boost China’s energy sector and influence its relationship with downstream countries.
  • Protests have been staged by environmentalists and local residents.
  • The dam involves a massive water diversion project and will impact irrigation and hydropower.


  1. What is the primary concern of downstream countries like India and Bangladesh regarding the mega-dam?
    A) Reduced water flow for irrigation and drinking water.
    B) Increased flooding and loss of habitat.
    C) Loss of access to hydropower resources.
    D) Increased Chinese influence in the region.
  2. What is the main benefit of the mega-dam for China?
    A) Improved relationships with downstream countries.
    B) A boost to its tourism industry.
    C) Increased control over water resources.
    D) Significant development of its energy sector.
  3. What is the focus of the protests against the dam’s construction?
    A) The potential loss of cultural heritage sites.
    B) Ecological concerns and the impact on the environment.
    C) The cost of the project and potential corruption.
    D) Increased flooding and displacement of people.
  4. What does the term “mega-project” refer to in the context of the video?
    A) A large-scale construction project with significant environmental impact.
    B) A project with a budget exceeding $1 billion.
    C) A complex, long-term infrastructure development.
    D) All of the above.
  5. What is the primary purpose of the video?
    A) To inform viewers about the benefits of the mega-dam project.
    B) To present a balanced overview of the plan, its pros and cons.
    C) To encourage viewers to protest against the dam’s construction.
    D) To criticize the Chinese government’s handling of the project.

Answer Key

  1. A
  2. D
  3. B
  4. D
  5. B

Grammar Point: Gerunds and Infinitives

A gerund is a noun formed from a verb by adding “-ing” which can function as the subject or object of a sentence. An infinitive is the base form of a verb preceded by “to” and can be used as a noun, adjective, or adverb. Gerunds and infinitives are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct functions and meanings.


  1. Seeing/To see the mega-dam’s impact, scientists conducted a thorough study.
  2. The protesters’ goal is stopping/to stop the construction of the dam.
  3. She enjoys hiking/to hike in the Himalayas and often plans trips there.
  4. They considered building/to build more infrastructure to support the project.
  5. The video focuses on informing/to inform viewers about the project’s pros and cons.

Answer Key

  1. To see
  2. Stopping
  3. Hiking
  4. Building
  5. Informing