Forgotten Innovations of a “Perfect Town”

Forgotten Innovations of a “Perfect Town”

Summary of Pullman, Illinois: A Planned City with a Complex History

Pullman, Illinois, was a planned city built by George Pullman in the late 19th century. The city was designed to be a utopian community for workers, with amenities such as parks, public buildings, and housing. However, the city’s design and construction were also driven by industrial production and profit.

The city’s innovative design and use of industrial symbiosis, where waste from one activity was used as raw material for another, made it a model for sustainable urban planning. The city’s buildings, including homes, factories, and public buildings, were made from brick made from clay dredged from a nearby lake.

Despite its innovative design, the city was plagued by social and economic problems, including worker exploitation and poor living conditions. The city’s rigid social hierarchy and lack of amenities for low-wage workers led to a famous strike in 1894, which ultimately led to the decline of the city.

Today, the city is a shadow of its former self, with many of its original buildings still standing but in disrepair. However, the city is being revitalized, with efforts to restore its historic landmarks and promote sustainable development. The city’s complex history serves as a cautionary tale for planned cities and the importance of considering the social and economic implications of urban design.

The city’s legacy can be seen in modern planned cities, such as Masdar City, which also incorporate sustainable design and industrial symbiosis. However, these cities often lack the resilience and adaptability of cities that have developed over time.

Ultimately, the story of Pullman, Illinois, serves as a reminder of the importance of considering the social, economic, and environmental implications of urban design and the need for cities to be adaptable and resilient in the face of change.

Term Definition Example Usage
Utopian Community A community designed to be ideal or perfect, often with a focus on social and economic equality. “George Pullman built Pullman, Illinois, as a utopian community for his workers, with amenities such as parks and public buildings.”
Industrial Symbiosis A system in which waste from one industrial process is used as raw material for another process. “The city of Pullman, Illinois, was a model for industrial symbiosis, with waste from one activity being used as raw material for another.”
Sustainable Urban Planning Urban planning that prioritizes environmental sustainability and social equity. “The city of Pullman, Illinois, was a model for sustainable urban planning, with its innovative use of industrial symbiosis and green spaces.”
Planned City A city that is designed and built from scratch, often with a specific social or economic goal in mind. “Pullman, Illinois, was a planned city built by George Pullman in the late 19th century.”
Worker Exploitation The mistreatment or unfair treatment of workers, often in terms of wages, working conditions, or benefits. “The city of Pullman, Illinois, was plagued by worker exploitation, with workers facing poor living conditions and low wages.”
Social Hierarchy A system in which people are ranked in terms of social status, often based on factors such as wealth or occupation. “The city of Pullman, Illinois, had a rigid social hierarchy, with wealthy industrialists at the top and low-wage workers at the bottom.”
Resilience The ability of a city or community to withstand and recover from challenges or disasters. “The city of Pullman, Illinois, lacked resilience, and was ultimately unable to recover from the decline of the Pullman Company.”
Adaptability The ability of a city or community to adapt to changing circumstances or conditions. “The city of Pullman, Illinois, was not adaptable, and was unable to respond to the changing needs of its residents.”
Revitalization The process of restoring or renewing a city or community, often through economic development or urban planning initiatives. “The city of Pullman, Illinois, is currently undergoing revitalization efforts, with a focus on restoring its historic landmarks and promoting sustainable development.”
Legacy The impact or influence that a person, place, or event has on future generations. “The city of Pullman, Illinois, has a complex legacy, serving as both a model for sustainable urban planning and a cautionary tale about the importance of social and economic equity.”


Pullman, Illinois: A Planned City with a Complex History – Vocabulary Quiz

Test your understanding of the vocabulary from the text with this 5-question multiple-choice quiz.

1. What does the term “utopian” mean in the context of the text?

A) A city with a high level of industrial production

B) A community designed to be ideal and perfect

C) A city with a rigid social hierarchy

D) A city with poor living conditions

2. What is “industrial symbiosis”?

A) A system where waste is disposed of in a nearby lake

B) A process where waste from one activity is used as raw material for another

C) A method of constructing buildings using only brick

D) A way of designing cities without considering social implications

3. What is meant by “rigid social hierarchy” in the context of the text?

A) A system where everyone has equal opportunities and rights

B) A structure where people are divided into distinct groups with different levels of power and status

C) A way of organizing cities without considering economic implications

D) A method of promoting sustainable development

4. What is the meaning of “resilience” in the context of the text?

A) The ability of a city to withstand and adapt to change

B) The capacity of a city to promote sustainable development

C) The ability of a city to incorporate industrial symbiosis

D) The capacity of a city to have a rigid social hierarchy

5. What is meant by “revitalize” in the context of the text?

A) To restore something to its original state

B) To promote sustainable development in a city

C) To incorporate industrial symbiosis in a city’s design

D) To create a new city from scratch

Answer Key

1. B) A community designed to be ideal and perfect

2. B) A process where waste from one activity is used as raw material for another

3. B) A structure where people are divided into distinct groups with different levels of power and status

4. A) The ability of a city to withstand and adapt to change

5. A) To restore something to its original state


The Use of the Past Perfect Tense in Describing Completed Actions Before Another Past Action


The past perfect tense is used to describe an action that occurred before another action in the past. It is often used to show the relationship between two past actions. In the text, we see examples of the past perfect tense used to describe the history of Pullman, Illinois.

Quiz Time!

Choose the correct form of the verb in parentheses to complete each sentence.

1. By the time George Pullman ____________________ (build) the city, he had already made his fortune in the railroad industry.

A) was building

B) had built

C) builds

D) build

2. The city’s innovative design ____________________ (make) it a model for sustainable urban planning.

A) makes

B) made

C) was making

D) had made

3. The city’s workers ____________________ (face) poor living conditions and exploitation before the famous strike in 1894.

A) faced

B) were facing

C) had faced

D) face

4. By the time the city was revitalized, many of its original buildings ____________________ (stand) for over a century.

A) stood

B) were standing

C) had stood

D) stand

5. The city’s legacy ____________________ (serve) as a cautionary tale for planned cities and the importance of considering the social and economic implications of urban design.

A) serves

B) served

C) has served

D) had served

Answer Key

1. B) had built

2. D) had made

3. C) had faced

4. C) had stood

5. D) had served