History of the Statue of Liberty | How Was the Statue of Liberty Built | Documentary | 1986

History of the Statue of Liberty | How Was the Statue of Liberty Built | Documentary | 1986

The Statue of Liberty: A Symbol of Freedom and Friendship

The Statue of Liberty, a gift from France to the United States, has stood in New York Harbor since 1886. Designed by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, the statue was meant to symbolize the friendship between the two countries and the principles of liberty and democracy.

Bartholdi was inspired by the idea of creating a monument that would represent the alliance between France and the United States. He spent years designing and refining the statue, which was eventually built in France and shipped to the United States.

The statue was not without controversy, however. Some Americans saw it as a pagan goddess, while others saw it as a symbol of liberty and freedom. Despite these criticisms, the statue became an iconic symbol of American values and ideals.

Over time, the statue’s meaning has evolved. It has become a symbol of hope and freedom for immigrants coming to the United States, and a reminder of the country’s commitment to democracy and human rights.

Today, the Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable landmarks in the world, attracting millions of visitors each year. It stands as a testament to the power of freedom and democracy, and a reminder of the enduring friendship between France and the United States.

Term Definition Example Usage
Symbolism The use of an object, color, or image to represent an abstract idea or concept. The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom and democracy.
Monument A large structure built to honor a person, event, or idea. The Statue of Liberty is a monument to the friendship between France and the United States.
Controversy A public dispute or debate about a particular issue or idea. The Statue of Liberty was not without controversy when it was first introduced.
Iconic Well-known and widely recognized, often because of its association with a particular idea or movement. The Statue of Liberty is an iconic symbol of American values and ideals.
Evolve To change or develop gradually over time. The meaning of the Statue of Liberty has evolved over time to include hope and freedom for immigrants.
Landmark A notable or famous building or structure that is recognized and admired. The Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable landmarks in the world.
Testament A written or spoken statement that confirms or supports a particular idea or fact. The Statue of Liberty stands as a testament to the power of freedom and democracy.
Enduring Lasting or continuing over a long period of time. The friendship between France and the United States is an enduring one, symbolized by the Statue of Liberty.
Abstraction A concept or idea that is not concrete or tangible, but rather intangible or intellectual. The Statue of Liberty represents the abstract idea of freedom and democracy.
Pagan Relating to or characteristic of paganism, a belief system that does not recognize a supreme deity or higher power. Some Americans saw the Statue of Liberty as a pagan goddess when it was first introduced.


The Statue of Liberty Vocabulary Quiz

What does the word “refining” mean in the context of the passage?

  • Making something more complex
  • Improving or perfecting something
  • Creating something from scratch
  • Destroying or demolishing something

What is the meaning of the word “pagan” in the passage?

  • Relating to a non-Christian religion
  • Relating to a Christian religion
  • Relating to a Jewish religion
  • Relating to a Muslim religion

What is the meaning of the word “iconic” in the passage?

  • Very famous or well-known
  • Very old or ancient
  • Very large or enormous
  • Very small or tiny

What does the word “enduring” mean in the context of the passage?

  • Lasting for a very long time
  • Happening very quickly
  • Changing very frequently
  • Stopping or ending

What is the meaning of the word “testament” in the passage?

  • A statement or declaration
  • A type of building or structure
  • A type of document or contract
  • A type of monument or statue

Answer Key:

1. b) Improving or perfecting something

2. a) Relating to a non-Christian religion

3. a) Very famous or well-known

4. a) Lasting for a very long time

5. a) A statement or declaration

The Use of the Present Perfect Tense to Describe an Action with a Connection to the Present

The present perfect tense is used to describe an action that started in the past and has a connection to the present. It is often used to talk about experiences, achievements, and changes that have occurred up to the present moment. In the text, the present perfect tense is used in the sentence “It has become a symbol of hope and freedom for immigrants coming to the United States…” to describe the evolution of the statue’s meaning over time, which is still relevant today.


Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence:

1. By the time I arrived, they ____________________ (finish) their project. A) had finished B) have finished C) finish D) were finishing 2. My parents ____________________ (never let) me stay out past midnight when I was in high school. A) have never let B) never let C) had never let D) never have let 3. By next year, I ____________________ (study) English for five years. A) will have studied B) have studied C) study D) am studying 4. My sister ____________________ (just/finish) her Ph.D. thesis when she got the job offer. A) has just finished B) had just finished C) just finished D) was just finishing 5. The company ____________________ (not/launch) any new products in the past year. A) has not launched B) had not launched C) does not launch D) did not launch

Answer Key

1. B) have finished

2. B) never let

3. A) will have studied

4. A) has just finished

5. A) has not launched