Seven Wonders of the Ancient World – 3D DOCUMENTARY

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World – 3D DOCUMENTARY

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

  • The Hanging Gardens of Babylon: A legendary wonder with no historical basis, possibly built in Nineveh by King Sennacherib.
  • The Statue of Zeus at Olympia: A 42-foot tall representation of Zeus built by Pheidias, destroyed by fire in 462 AD.
  • The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus: A grand temple built by King Croesus, destroyed by Herostratus in 356 BC and rebuilt, only to be destroyed again by Gothic raiders in 262 AD.
  • The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus: A tomb built for King Mausolus, destroyed by earthquakes and eventually used as a source of building materials by the Knights of St John.
  • The Colossus of Rhodes: A massive statue of Helios built to celebrate Rhodes’ victory over Demetrius, destroyed by an earthquake in 226 BC.
  • The Lighthouse of Alexandria: A 100-meter tall lighthouse built to guide ships into the city, damaged by earthquakes and eventually becoming a ruin.
  • The Great Pyramid of Giza: The oldest and only surviving wonder, built as a tomb for Pharaoh Khufu, still standing today.

Term Definition Example Usage
Anthropomorphism The attribution of human characteristics or behavior to non-human entities, such as objects or animals. “The company’s new mascot, a cartoon cat, was an example of anthropomorphism, as it was given human-like qualities.”
Causality The relationship between a cause and its effect, often used in scientific and philosophical contexts. “The researchers studied the causality between smoking and lung cancer, concluding that there was a direct link.”
Dystopian A futuristic society that is undesirable or frightening, often depicted in science fiction. “The novel was set in a dystopian world where the government controlled every aspect of citizens’ lives.”
Ephemeral Lasting for a very short time, often used to describe something fleeting or transitory. “The firefly’s glow was ephemeral, lasting only a few seconds before it disappeared.”
Heterogeneous Composed of different kinds of things or elements, often used to describe a mixture or diversity. “The city’s population was heterogeneous, with people from all over the world living together.”
Inscrutable Difficult to understand or interpret, often used to describe something mysterious or obscure. “The ancient hieroglyphics were inscrutable to most people, requiring years of study to decipher.”
Juxtaposition The placement of two or more elements or ideas side by side, often used to highlight contrasts or similarities. “The artist used juxtaposition to contrast the beauty of nature with the ugliness of urban pollution.”
Kinesthetic Related to movement or physical activity, often used to describe learning or teaching methods. “The kinesthetic learning approach focused on hands-on activities to help students understand complex concepts.”
Luminescent Giving off light, often used to describe objects or materials that glow. “The firefly’s luminescent abdomen was a bright blue color, attracting other fireflies to mate.”
Malleable Able to be shaped or molded, often used to describe materials or ideas that can be changed or adapted. “The artist used malleable clay to create a sculpture that could be easily reshaped and reformed.”


Vocabulary Quiz: The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

  1. What does the word legendary mean?
    • Having a historical basis
    • Fanciful or mythical
    • Based on scientific evidence
    • Related to ancient civilizations
  2. What is the meaning of representation?
    • A symbol or image of something
    • A physical structure or building
    • A mythological creature
    • A historical event
  3. What does the word grand mean?
    • Small and insignificant
    • Large and impressive
    • Old and worn out
    • Newly built
  4. What is the meaning of tomb?
    • A building for worship
    • A structure for burial
    • A monument for celebration
    • A place for entertainment
  5. What does the word ruin mean?
    • A newly constructed building
    • A well-maintained structure
    • A building that has fallen into disrepair
    • A structure that has been restored

Answer Key

  1. b) Fanciful or mythical
  2. a) A symbol or image of something
  3. b) Large and impressive
  4. b) A structure for burial
  5. c) A building that has fallen into disrepair


The Use of the Passive Voice


The passive voice is used to emphasize the action rather than the doer of the action. It is often used in formal or objective writing, such as in historical or scientific contexts. In the given text, the passive voice is used to describe the fate of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. For example, “destroyed by fire in 462 AD” and “damaged by earthquakes” are in the passive voice, focusing on the event rather than the person or force responsible.


Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were built by King Sennacherib.
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon built a legendary wonder.
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon is a legendary wonder.
Build the Hanging Gardens of Babylon a legendary wonder.
What is the effect of using the passive voice in the given text?
It emphasizes the doer of the action.
It emphasizes the action rather than the doer.
It makes the text more informal.
It makes the text more subjective.
Which of the following sentences is NOT in the passive voice?
The Statue of Zeus at Olympia was built by Pheidias.
Pheidias built the Statue of Zeus at Olympia.
The Statue of Zeus at Olympia was destroyed by fire.
The Statue of Zeus at Olympia is a 42-foot tall representation of Zeus.
Why is the passive voice often used in historical or scientific writing?
To make the text more formal.
To make the text more informal.
To emphasize the doer of the action.
To make the text more objective.
What is the focus of the passive voice in the given text?
The people responsible for the actions.
The events that occurred to the Seven Wonders.
The Seven Wonders themselves.
The time periods in which the events occurred.

Answer Key


Answer Key
1. a
2. b
3. b
4. d
5. b