AI Powered Robots Will Soon Be Everywhere

AI Powered Robots Will Soon Be Everywhere

This video discusses the increasing presence and potential impact of AI-powered robots in various sectors of our daily lives, including healthcare, education, and the workplace. It highlights how AI robotics is already influencing our world and forecasts their future ubiquity. The video likely explores the benefits, ethical concerns, and potential challenges posed by this emerging technology.

Vocabulary (defined and used in context of the video’s content):

UbiquitousPresent or appearing everywhereThe AI-powered robots are expected to become ubiquitous in the near future.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)The simulation of human intelligence processes by computer systemsAI-powered robots demonstrate** artificial intelligence** by learning and adapting to their environments.
RoboticsThe field of computer science that deals with designing, constructing, and using machines that can substitute for human labourThe advancements in robotics have led to machines that can perform complex tasks.
AutomateTo make a process or system operate automaticallyMany industries are automating tasks to increase efficiency and reduce costs.
AlgorithmA set of rules or instructions for performing a task or solving a problemThe AI robots follow sophisticated** algorithms** to make decisions and take action.
InnovationA new idea, method, or deviceThe innovation of AI-powered robots has sparked ethical debates worldwide.
DisruptTo interrupt or alter the course of somethingThe introduction of AI robots has disrupted traditional industries, forcing them to adapt.
AdaptTo adjust to new conditions or environmentsBusinesses must adapt to the changing landscape with the emergence of AI.
PotentialHaving or showing capacity for development into something specifiedAI-powered robots have the potential to revolutionize healthcare and education.
EthicalInvolving questions of right and wrong behaviourThe use of AI in certain fields raises ethical concerns that need careful consideration.
RevolutionizeTo change something drastically and often improve itAI robotics has the power to** revolutionize** the way we live, work, and learn.

Key Points:

  1. AI-powered robots are already impacting various industries.
  2. Their presence is expected to become ubiquitous in the near future.
  3. AI robotics offers benefits, but also raises ethical concerns.
  4. Societies and industries must adapt to the changing landscape due to AI.
  5. The potential of AI-powered robots is vast, especially in healthcare and education.


Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. What is the main focus of the video?
    a) The benefits of AI-powered robots
    b) The ethical concerns of AI technology
    c) The history of robotics
    d) The future potential of AI in various industries
  2. Which sector is expected to be significantly influenced by AI-powered robots, according to the video?
    a) Healthcare
    b) Education
    c) Manufacturing
    d) All of the above
  3. What potential impact can AI robotics have on traditional industries?
    a) It can lead to job losses
    b) It can improve efficiency and reduce costs
    c) It can raise ethical dilemmas
    d) All of the above
  4. What is an “algorithm”?
    a) A set of rules for human decision-making
    b) A process to automate tasks
    c) Instructions for AI robots
    d) A method to improve AI intelligence
  5. What is the expected outcome of AI-powered robots, as per the video?
    a) They will improve our lives drastically
    b) They will replace all human labour
    c) They will cause societal disruption
    d) They will benefit only certain industries

Answer Key:

  1. a) The future potential of AI in various industries
  2. d) All of the above
  3. d) All of the above
  4. c) Instructions for AI robots
  5. a) They will improve our lives drastically

Grammar Point:

CEFR B2 Level – Reported Speech:
Reported speech is used to retell or report someone else’s words without directly quoting them. It is commonly used in situations where the exact words are not necessary or need to be changed to fit the context of the conversation or narrative.

Reported speech often involves a change in verb tense and pronoun usage from the original statement, especially when reporting something said in the past. For example:

  • Direct: “I am going to the store,” John said.
  • Reported: John said (that) he was going to the store.

Reported Speech with Reporting Verbs:
Reporting verbs are used to introduce reported speech and convey the speaker’s attitude or the manner of the original statement. Examples include: assert, claim, explain, insist, suggest, etc.

  • “AI-powered robots will change the world,” the expert asserted.
  • The expert asserted that AI-powered robots would change the world.

Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech.

  1. “I have finished my homework,” Mary said.
  2. “We will win the game,” the coach promised.
  3. “They are developing an innovative technology,” the CEO explained.
  4. “She had made a mistake,” her colleague admitted.
  5. “You can do it,” he encouraged me.

Answer Key to Exercise:

  1. Mary said (that) she had finished her homework.
  2. The coach promised (that) they would win the game.
  3. The CEO explained (that) they were developing an innovative technology.
  4. Her colleague admitted that she had made a mistake.
  5. He encouraged me that I could do it.