How Big Tech Ruined Farming

How Big Tech Ruined Farming

This video discusses the impact of technology on the farming industry, arguing that while technology has brought benefits, it has also led to negative consequences. It highlights how big tech companies have disrupted traditional farming practices, affecting farmers’ livelihoods and the environment. The presentation criticizes the use of technologies such as genetic modification, automation, and data-driven farming, claiming they often favor corporate interests over small farmers and raise concerns about the loss of traditional knowledge and the concentration of power in a few tech companies.

Vocabulary (defined and used in context):

DisruptTo interrupt the normal course or unity of; to throw into disorder“The introduction of self-driving tractors disrupted the traditional farming community, causing some workers to lose their jobs.”
LivelihoodA means of supporting one’s life, especially financially“Farming is not just a job, it’s a livelihood for generations of families.”
CorporateRelating to a large company or group“These tech advancements often favor corporate interests over the needs of small, independent farmers.”
ConcentrationThe act of focusing or directing something towards a central point“The power is concentrated in the hands of a few tech giants who control the market.”
Genetic modificationThe process of altering the genetic composition of an organism“One of the most controversial practices is genetic modification, which can lead to unknown consequences for the environment.”
AutomationThe use of technology to perform tasks with minimal human assistance“With automation, many farming jobs are at risk of becoming obsolete.”
Data-drivenUsing data and analytics to guide decisions and actions“Farming has become data-driven, with algorithms making decisions on planting and harvesting.”
AlgorithmA process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or problem-solving“These algorithms optimize yield, but often disregard the traditional knowledge of farmers.”
ControversialA topic or issue that causes dispute or debate“The use of drones in farming is a controversial topic, with privacy and ethical concerns.”
DroneAn unmanned aircraft that can be remotely controlled“Farming drones are used for tasks such as spraying crops, but their use is controversial.”

Key Points:

  1. Technology has significantly impacted the farming industry, and while there are benefits, there are also drawbacks.
  2. Big tech companies have disrupted traditional farming practices, affecting farmers’ livelihoods.
  3. Technologies like genetic modification, automation, and data-driven farming favor corporate interests and raise environmental concerns.
  4. There is a concentration of power in a few tech companies, which control farming practices and market conditions.
  5. The loss of traditional knowledge and the disregard for small farmers are concerning outcomes of the influence of big tech.


  1. What is the main argument of the video?
    A) Technology has only benefited farming.
    B) Technology has improved farming, but there are concerns about corporate influence.
    C) Technology has ruined farming by disrupting traditional practices.
    D) Technology should be banned from farming to protect the environment.
  2. Which of the following best describes “livelihood”?
    A) A person’s income from their job
    B) The way of life in a particular region
    C) The process of making a living
    D) A person’s skills and abilities
  3. What is a potential consequence of genetic modification in farming?
    A) Loss of traditional knowledge
    B) Unknown environmental impact
    C) Increased corporate control
    D) All of the above
  4. Why might the use of drones in farming be controversial?
    A) They can be noisy and disturb wildlife.
    B) They raise privacy and ethical concerns.
    C) They may not be as effective as traditional methods.
    D) All of the above
  5. Which technology is NOT mentioned in the video?
    A) Self-driving cars
    B) Farming drones
    C) Genetic algorithms
    D) None of the above

Answer Key:

  1. C
  2. C
  3. B
  4. B
  5. A

Grammar Exercise:

Using Gerunds (-ing form) as a noun:

Some verbs can be used in their -ing form as a noun, which is known as a gerund. Gerunds can function as the subject or object of a sentence and are often used to describe an action that is ongoing or has a continuous nature.


  • Swimming is good exercise. (“Swimming” is the subject of the sentence.)
  • I enjoy reading books. (“Reading” is the object of the sentence.)


  1. Flying can be dangerous in bad weather.
  2. Walking is a healthy habit to adopt.
  3. I dislike ironing my clothes.
  4. Dancing is her favorite hobby.
  5. Singing in the shower is a unique talent.

Answer Key:

  1. True
  2. True
  3. True
  4. True
  5. True