This GREEN APPLES Large-Scale Production is Insane!

This GREEN APPLES Large-Scale Production is Insane!

This video offers a behind-the-scenes look at the large-scale production process of green apples. It showcases the entire operation, from the vast orchards where the apples are grown to the advanced technology used in harvesting and sorting the fruit. The scale and efficiency of the process are highlighted, with a focus on the machinery and techniques employed to handle the high volume of apples. The video also briefly touches on the global demand for green apples and how this specific variety is cultivated and distributed on a massive scale.

Key Points:

  • The large-scale production of green apples involves a combination of careful agricultural practices and advanced technology.
  • Mechanical harvesters with suction devices gently remove apples from trees, ensuring minimal damage to the fruit.
  • High-tech optical scanners play a crucial role in sorting apples based on size, color, and quality.
  • The global demand for green apples has led to the development of these large-scale production techniques.
  • The entire process, from orchard to distribution, is carefully managed to ensure the freshness and quality of the fruit.

Vocabulary (defined and used in context):

InsaneExtremely impressive or surprising“The large-scale production of green apples is insane, with its intricate processes and advanced technology.”
Large-scaleInvolving a considerable amount or number; on a big scale“The large-scale production of green apples involves thousands of acres of orchards and tons of fruit.”
HarvestTo gather (a crop) as a harvest“The mechanical arms efficiently harvest the apples, ensuring a swift and careful gathering of the fruit.”
OpticalRelating to the eye or sight“Optical scanners use light and cameras to identify the size and color of the apples.”
ScannersA device that analyzes or records the characteristics of something“These scanners sort the apples by their quality, ensuring only the best fruit reaches consumers.”
SortTo place or arrange according to type“The apples are sorted by size, with smaller ones packaged for snacks and larger ones sent for processing.”
GlobalWorldwide in scope or application“The global demand for green apples has led to their large-scale production and distribution.”
DemandA request or stated need for something“The high demand for green apples year-round requires careful storage and distribution strategies.”
CultivateTo foster the growth of (a plant, crop, or agricultural product)“Green apples are carefully cultivated to ensure consistent quality and taste.”
DistributionThe act of distributing or the state of being distributed“The efficient distribution network ensures fresh green apples reach consumers worldwide.”


  1. What is the primary focus of this video?
    a) The challenges of growing green apples
    b) The impressive scale of production
    c) New technologies in apple harvesting
    d) Environmental impact of large-scale agriculture
  2. What specific variety of apples are featured in the video?
    a) Red Delicious
    b) Golden Delicious
    c) Granny Smith
    d) Fuji
  3. What is the main advantage of using mechanical harvesters?
    a) Increased speed of harvesting
    b) Reduced damage to apples
    c) Lower costs of production
    d) All of the above
  4. How are the apples sorted after harvesting?
    a) By hand, a time-consuming process
    b) Using water, separating them by density
    c) With advanced optical scanners
    d) Through a complex system of weights and measures
  5. What is the intended audience for this video?
    a) Farmers considering large-scale production
    b) Consumers curious about apple cultivation
    c) Technology enthusiasts
    d) Environmental activists

Answer Key:

  1. b) The impressive scale of production
  2. c) Granny Smith
  3. d) All of the above
  4. c) With advanced optical scanners
  5. b) Consumers curious about apple cultivation

Grammar Point: Using “Going to” for Predictions


The structure “going to” is used for predictions or plans based on present evidence. It is commonly used to talk about future actions or events that are already planned or can be inferred from current circumstances. For example: “The sky is darkening, it’s going to rain.”


  1. You are watching a soccer match, and a player trips. What is going to happen next?
  2. Your friend is studying hard for an exam. What are they going to do?
  3. The weather forecast predicts strong winds. What is going to occur?
  4. Your little sister is playing with a fragile vase. You predict that it is going to …
  5. The cat is meowing loudly and walking towards its food bowl. You can predict that it is going to …

Answer Key:

  1. The player is going to fall.
  2. Your friend is going to pass the exam.
  3. There is going to be a storm.
  4. … break the vase.
  5. … eat its dinner.