The History of Engineering (in exactly 20 minutes)

The History of Engineering (in exactly 20 minutes)


The video “The History of Engineering” by Zach Star covers the evolution of engineering and technology from ancient times to modern times. It highlights key milestones such as the oldest known boat, the PESA canoe, dating back to 8,000 BC, and the first human flight in 1783. The video also mentions significant achievements like leaving Earth’s atmosphere for the first time in 1961 and the release of Pokémon Go in 2016.

Key Points

  1. The oldest known boat, the PESA canoe, dates back to 8,000 BC.
  2. The first human flight occurred in 1783.
  3. The first time humans left Earth’s atmosphere was in 1961.
  4. Pokémon Go was released in 2016.
  5. Engineering and technology have evolved significantly over time.

10-Word-Long List with Definitions and Usage Examples

  1. Pioneering (adjective): Showing initiative and innovation in a particular field.
    Example: “The pioneering work of the Wright brothers revolutionized aviation.”
  2. Innovative (adjective): Introducing new or improved methods, products, or ideas.
    Example: “The company’s innovative approach to renewable energy has gained international recognition.”
  3. Engineering (noun): The application of scientific and mathematical principles to design, build, and maintain structures, machines, and systems.
    Example: “The engineering team worked tirelessly to develop a new, more efficient engine.”
  4. Technological (adjective): Relating to technology or the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.
    Example: “The technological advancements in the field of medicine have significantly improved patient care.”
  5. Evolution (noun): The process of gradual and continuous change, especially in a species or a technology.
    Example: “The evolution of smartphones has led to significant improvements in their functionality.”
  6. Milestone (noun): A significant event or achievement marking a major step forward.
    Example: “The launch of the first satellite was a major milestone in space exploration.”
  7. Invention (noun): A new device, method, or process created through the application of scientific knowledge.
    Example: “The invention of the internet has transformed the way we communicate.”
  8. Discovery (noun): The act of finding or learning something new.
    Example: “The discovery of antibiotics revolutionized the treatment of bacterial infections.”
  9. Advancement (noun): A step forward or improvement in a particular field or technology.
    Example: “The advancement in solar energy has made it a viable alternative to fossil fuels.”
  10. Breakthrough (noun): A sudden and significant improvement or discovery.
    Example: “The breakthrough in cancer research has led to new and more effective treatments.”

Multiple-Choice Quiz

  1. What is the oldest known boat, mentioned in the video?
    a. PESA canoe
    b. Titanic
    c. Wright brothers’ aircraft
    d. First satellite

  1. When did humans first take to the skies?
    a. 8,000 BC
    b. 1783
    c. 1961
    d. 2016

  1. When did humans leave Earth’s atmosphere for the first time?
    a. 8,000 BC
    b. 1783
    c. 1961
    d. 2016

  1. What was released in 2016?
    a. The first satellite
    b. The first smartphone
    c. Pokémon Go
    d. The first aircraft

  1. What is the term for the application of scientific and mathematical principles to design, build, and maintain structures, machines, and systems?
    a. Engineering
    b. Technology
    c. Innovation
    d. Discovery

Answer Key

  1. a. PESA canoe
  2. b. 1783
  3. c. 1961
  4. c. Pokémon Go
  5. a. Engineering